Messages Of Support

Words Hold The Power Of Life and Death

Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” For anyone who has survived verbal abuse, you know this to be true. Words can convey condemnation, and cut you off at the knees, or they can convey warmth, acceptance, personal worth and love.

We believe that words, carefully crafted, can help rebuild that which has been torn down. We’d like to be part of the process of conveying LIFE to you, because you are of inestimable worth.

May we give you this gift? If so, please sign-up below.

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What you’ll receive for signing up…

  • a free 1-hour workshop
  • weekly emails

What’s in our weekly email…

  • words of hope, empathy & support
  • links to our latest blog posts
  • free resources for healing from trauma
  • announcements of new workshops